If you have yet to upgrade your garage with a heater, there are a number of incredibly convincing reasons to go ahead and get it over with already! The cost may seem a bit daunting at first, but you’ll eventually find that the investment was more than worth it, as it is a feature that you can enjoy now and adds to the overall value of your home when you decide to sell. Now, let’s get straight to it; here are some of the best benefits of getting a garage heater:

You will Get More Projects Done

First of all, you know you’re going to be able to get far more projects done if you have some heat out in your garage during the winter. Otherwise, any vehicle repairs or builds you may have going on out there will basically be put on hold until the springtime when the temperature comes back up. It also means that you can clean out the inside of your car in the winter without freezing! Progress is so often elusive in the garage that it’s important to remove every excuse possible, so make sure you can stay warm while you’re working!

You will have One More Private Space to Yourself

If you have heat in the garage, you can always use it as a place to get away from whatever chaos might be going on in the house for a little bit during the winter months. This can be especially useful during holidays when a lot of visitors are occupying every square inch of the living room and dining room areas. If you’re the type that appreciates a bit of peace and quiet now and then, you’re going to need every opportunity you can to find a moment alone in order to recharge. A nice warm garage where no one’s really going to get in your way for an hour or two might be just the thing you need.

Cut Down on the Cold Air Entering Your Home

If your garage is attached to your home, you can run its heater on power save mode throughout the night in order to cut down on how much external cold air finds its way into the primary sections of the house. Even the most well-insulated garages sometimes let an awful lot of cold air in, and that can then filter throughout the rest of the house. Whatever you spend on keeping the garage itself warm in these scenarios will actually save you money overall since you won’t have to overcompensate so much in the rest of the house!


There are hobbies that just can’t be done in the house, or that probably shouldn’t be done in the house due to the mess. Woodworking, encaustic art, wood burning, oil painting, all of these things are much more suited to being done outside of the house. Doing these activities in a nice warm garage is a great way to keep your house clean and to vent the area afterward by opening up the garage.


All credit goes to Home Comfort Center

Home Comfort Center

Home Comfort Center